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Sam Kelso’s Real Estate Journey To Success

2023-11-21T15:06:04+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

My name is Sam Kelso from Stockwells. This is my 14th year in real estate as an auctioneer, salesperson, and business owner, and This Is My Journey To Real Estate Success. Why did you choose real estate as a career? The reason I chose real estate was because, well let’s face it, I was never going to go far as an academic and my father was best friends with George from Ray White Paddington who was a bit of a legend in the real estate game at that time. [...]

5 tips for real estate success in the current market

2023-11-21T15:05:13+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

It has been a crazy start to 2020 and with a new financial year and the occurrences of the last one, we have compiled a list of tips for success in the contemporary real estate industry. 1. Increase your brand awareness Brand awareness represents how well you and your brand are recognised by your target audience. Establishing brand awareness is an imperative part of promoting who you are as a real estate professional. If this year has taught us anything, it is that the placement of your office and your [...]

How to be a Professional Real Estate Agent

2024-05-21T16:09:21+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

Some would argue the question of the professionalism of a Real Estate Agent is obvious. But with surveys suggesting only 7% of the population think that real estate agents are honest and ethical, it is time to explore why? Whilst the industry has undergone a huge transformation over the past few decades, we can only continue to improve the integrity of our profession by understanding how and why consumers continue to see real estate agents so poorly. Historically and unfortunately, some continue to think that real estate agents are unethical [...]

Validum’s Survival Guide for 1st Year Real Estate agents!

2024-05-21T16:24:07+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

So you’ve just completed your registration certificate (or are thinking about completing it), and you want to know what the next step is? There are tonnes of people joining the real estate industry every year as new agents and you want to get ahead of the game (and better yet...survive) ... right? Well! We were lucky enough to speak to two young guns in Real Estate to hear their tips, tricks & journey to where they are today! Ben Smith & Joseph Lordi! We’ve collated some of their favourites to [...]

The Art of Prospecting – Featuring Daniel Lee

2024-08-15T16:53:07+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

The art of prospecting. Now there are many different ways that you can prospect out there in the marketplace. But as a newbie in the industry I’m going to give you some solid advice. There are two really fundamental and most important ways that you can prospect with your database. Number one is knocking on a lot of doors and number two is cold calling to a lot of owners in the particular area you would like to work in and ask simple questions to the owners, ‘like [...]

Your Ultimate Guide To Ensure A Smooth Start Of Your Real Estate Career

2023-11-21T15:14:15+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

How to move into an amazing Career in Real Estate So, you’ve made the decision to start a career in Real Estate, good on you. Whether you have been out of the workforce for some time or simply looking for a career change, Real Estate is an exciting industry and one that you have unlimited opportunities for great job prospects and earning capacity. But what’s next? Consider your current skills and capabilities which align with the various roles available and do some research on what jobs are out there. Do [...]

Introducing The National Property Research Co

2023-11-21T15:10:39+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

The National Property Research Co (NPR Co) was founded in 1999 by the Director, Matthew Gross. It was initially established as the sole research division for Herron Todd White valuers in Brisbane, the largest privately-owned valuation practice in Australia. In late 2001 The National Property Research Company expanded outside of Herron Todd White to grow into one of Australia’s most respected property research and real estate advisory firms. NPR Co. is a Brisbane based company that undertakes work nationally with particular expertise in sectors that relate to residential property and [...]

So You Can Now Sell Real Estate… What Next?

2022-11-01T10:28:45+10:00By validum|Blog Article|

Congratulations! You’ve now you’re qualified to sell real estate. Now what do you do? Thousands of Australians have been in the same pursuit of real estate success, only a very small number generate the big incomes that attracted many of us to the industry in the first place. So how do you achieve success as a real estate sales agent? As they say ‘hope is not a strategy’. Instead, you need a plan and that starts with ‘what does success look like for you personally’ as the answer will look [...]